Class Descriptions

4-Class Series

GIRLS’ LATIN DANCE CHOREO CLASS  Open level (girls ages 10 – 15) | See schedule 5pm – 5:50pm at Bravo Dance School

This class caters to solo dancing Latin dance styles including salsa, bachata, and chachacha with an emphasis on ladies’ styling and learning choreographed routines.  Students with have various performance opportunities throughout the year.

For kids’ classes only, pre-register by phone w/ Emmy @ 360.920.3558



**Offered on Rotation** LADIES’ STYLING (Level 2+)| see current schedule 

This series is one of our rotating classes that will be taught by instructor Emmy Christine.  The class will focus on ladies’ styling for both salsa and bachata, learning feminine shines material for breakaway moments, and arm and hand styling for both partnering and solo movement.  Join us for an empowering series of building up your confidence in putting your sass, style, femininity, and power into your social dancing!  All levels welcome.


SALSA BEGINNERS Level 1 | Mondays 10am & 6pm  – AND – Tuesdays 7:45pm 

In this class you will gain a foundational understanding of the basics. Most classes spend between 5 minutes to an hour teaching the basics. This series focus almost entirely on basic technique. Salsa Basics cover balance, posture, upper/lower body coordination, arm movement, hip movement, weight transfer, connection, developing frame, left turn, side to side, front cumbia, back cumbia, and back break. It will give you the foundation you need to look good and have fun on the dance floor. Each week will build upon the previous week. Each technique will be broken down and demonstrated so the student can easily grasp it. Mastery of the foundational basics will give you the skills and confidence needed to develop into a good dancer.


BACHATA BEGINNERS Level 1  | Mondays 10:45am & 7:00pm  – AND – Tuesdays 8:30pm

Salsa clubs will often play Bachata music too. Learn the fundamentals of this sensual, romantic dance. In this class, we teach beginning lead and follow techniques along with basic footwork and core body movement. Then we expand upon what you have learned with more difficult combinations and turn patterns, complex syncopated footwork, body movements and isolation, and a deeper understanding of the rhythm of Bachata. Every four weeks we will be teaching new combinations and footwork to give you the opportunity to repeat the series and continue learning. More info on Bachata can be found on our FAQs page.


SALSA FUNDAMENTALS Level 2 | Offered Mondays 6pm  – AND – Tuesdays 10am & 6pm 

In this class you will build on your understanding and mastery of salsa basics, building up your repertoire of essential dance floor moves and lead/follow connection.  Each week will build upon the previous week with techniques broken down and demonstrated so students can easily grasp them. This series will have new material with each session so that students can take it multiple times as they advance to the intermediate level and become more confident with their technique and social dancing ability.


BACHATA FUNDAMENTALS Level 2 | Offered Mondays 7pm  – AND –  Tuesdays 10:45am & 6:45pm 

In this class, we teach beginning lead and follow techniques that build upon the basics learned in Bachata Level 1. We expand upon what you have learned with more difficult combinations and turn patterns, more complex syncopated footwork, body movements and isolation, and a deeper understanding of the rhythm of Bachata. Every four weeks we will be teaching new combinations and footwork to give you the opportunity to repeat the series and continue learning. More info on Bachata can be found on our FAQs page.


SALSA Level 3 |  Offered Tuesdays 6pm – AND –  Thursdays (level 3/4) 6pm 

Added due to popular demand, Level 3 Salsa is a “bridge” course that can be taken for multiple series in order to build up a greater repertoire of social dance movements that can be linked fluidly and interchangeably on the dance floor.  This course is intended to progress dancers to the confidence, speed, and technical level needed to move up to intermediate level 4 salsa.


BACHATA Level 3 |  Tuesdays 6:45pm – AND – Thursdays 6:45 (level 3/4)

Added due to popular demand, Level 3 Bachata is an intermediate course that can be taken for multiple series in order to build up a greater repertoire of social dance movements that can be linked fluidly and interchangeably on the dance floor.  This course is intended to progress dancers to the confidence, speed, and technical level needed to move up to intermediate level 4 salsa.


BACHATA Level 4 | See schedule for offerings (usually combined with either 3 or 5)

Bachata Level 4 is an intermediate level series focusing on fluidity, technique, and socially leadable moves that are more complicated and musical.  This series is appropriate for dancers who have been taking level 3 bachata for awhile or Int./Adv. dancers who would like to focus in on revisiting various styles of bachata technique.


INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED  SALSA On1 (Levels 4/5)| Offered Wednesdays 6pm

This class is geared for students with a solid, comprehensive foundation in Salsa Basics (see description above). At this level, you will learn lead/follow techniques, transitions, footwork, space management, and develop the skills to easily learn combinations in a manner that really connects with your partner. After taking Salsa Basics and this series, you will have the techniques and a repertoire of moves that will make any dancer at any level happy to dance with you. Every four weeks we will be teaching new combinations and footwork to give you the opportunity to repeat the series and continue learning.


INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED BACHATA (Levels 4/5)| Offered Wednesdays at 6:45pm

This class is geared for students with a solid, comprehensive foundation in Bachata Basics (see description above). At this level, you will learn lead/follow techniques, transitions, footwork, space management, and develop the skills to easily learn combinations in a manner that really connects with your partner. After taking Bachata Basics and this series, you will have the techniques and a repertoire of moves that will make any dancer at any level happy to dance with you. Every four weeks we will be teaching new combinations and footwork to give you the opportunity to repeat the series and continue learning.


(Open level) SALSA FOOTWORK & MEN’S & LADIES’ STYLING | See schedule – offered periodically on rotating basis

This class is geared for students with a solid foundation already in Salsa Basics who are looking to take their dancing to the next level. In this class, you will learn lead/follow solo styling and more complicated footwork that can be added to solo or partner dancing.  Every four weeks we will be teaching new combinations and footwork to give you the opportunity to repeat this series with an ongoing array of technique and dynamic moves to set the dancefloor on fire!


ADVANCED COMPANY CLASS (Level 5)| Mondays 7:45pm – 8:30pm (Open to all advanced dancers–do not need to be a team member to join)

This class is geared toward students who perform on our teams who are improving their musicality, speed, connection, spin technique, and overall aesthetic when dancing.  The class is open to the public for any advanced dancers who would like to train with us!  At this level, you will learn lead/follow techniques and styling with more complicated transitions, footwork, floor craft, and partner connection.  This class will focus on both salsa, bachata, and Afro-Cuban movement and will have different focuses each week, sometimes bringing in guest instructors.


Latin Body Movement & Shines (Open level)| see schedule – offered on rotation

This series is offered periodically as a fusion of Latin dance body movement, focusing on creating a more 3 dimensional dancer image with precision, control, and power in the body.  The class is taught by talented guest teacher Becca, a Seattle-based artist and choreographer with 18 years experience teaching, performing, and competing in dance and figure skating.  Both women and men are welcome!


(Open Level) LATIN DANCE FOOTWORK, SPINS, & MUSICALITY (Level 2+)| See schedule – offered periodically on rotating basis

This series is one of our rotating classes that will be taught by instructor Rico Bravo.  The class will focus on understanding the technique for spins and turns, creative and fun footwork for shines (when you break away during a partner dance to dance solo for a few bars and then reconnect with your partner), and musicality.  Learn how to listen for and what to do with the awesome musicality moments in salsa and bachata music!  Open to all dancers level 2 and up!



In order to create a more personalized learning environment, Salsaymotion has a max limit of 30 students per class. See our FAQs page for additional info. Our price is $80 for a 4-class series. Or take advantage of our $120 COMBO DISCOUNT for double the fun in any two classes in one four week series. Any additional class added for that 4-week series is only an additional $40 or $35!  Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds. However, if you are registered for a series and need to reschedule, please contact us 48 hours before the first class.

Prices for 4-week Series:  choose number of classes weekly

1 Class weekly:  $80                                     4 Classes weekly:  $200

2 Classes weekly:  $120                               Unlimited classes for a series:  $235

3 Classes weekly:  $160                                Unlimited classes and teams: $250/monthly


OUR NO-FEAR GUARANTEE: New to the world of Latin dance? Feel a bit hesitant or uncertain about what class to take? Then sign-up for your first class in both Basic Salsa and Basic Bachata for only $35! We’re confident that you’ll have fun and learn something new. If you agree after the first class, you can then pay the $85 balance for the remainder of the 4-class combo series. And if it’s not for you, there’s absolutely no pressure to register. You’re now just one step away from experiencing the exciting world of Latin dance!